NASSP Announces Activity Adviser Appreciation Day!
April 22, 2020
NASSP Announces Activity Adviser Appreciation Day!
The National Association of Secondary School Principals’ (NASSP) has designated April 22, 2020, as the inaugural Activity Adviser Appreciation Day (AAAD)!
“Whether leading a National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society, National Elementary Honor Society, National Student Council chapter, social club, special interest group, or school committee, PK-12 advisers take on added responsibilities outside of the classroom. These educators are committed to leading and mentoring students for the betterment of the entire school community, and they deserve to be honored,” NASSP officials said. “Today, we’re celebrating the first-ever Activity Adviser Appreciation Day. This designation was created to honor advisers, at all levels, who take on added responsibilities of managing various school organizations and activities.”
“We know that when advisors step up to mentor and lead outside of the classroom, they make a commitment to go above and beyond their assigned duties and provide new and valuable learning opportunities for their students,” officials added. “The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has dramatically altered our routines as educators, and yet we have been humbled and overwhelmed by how leaders have stepped up to serve their school communities. For this and many other reasons, we dedicate AAAD to all of our Activity Advisors — in 2020 and for years to come.”