The Adelphi Plan grows out of the traditional values and goals of the Academy. As Academy founder Mr. John Lockwood believed, the best education is that which prepares students as thinking and contributing members of their community.  Students should be learned in the cultural inheritance of our society, and possess the acumen and skills to take their parts in that society according to their abilities and interests.

The Adelphi Plan is part of that tradition. It is a plan of studies that concentrates on the basic scholastic accomplishments in English language and literature, as well as History, Mathematics and Science. It also emphasizes the necessity of understanding the acquisition of skills in other languages and cultures in our global village and communication technology. As fully complete individuals, students also follow a regular discipline of Physical Education, aesthetic and artistic education, and a course of studies permeated with moral and personal instruction and development.

The course of studies presented through the preparatory school years concentrates on mastery of skills in the core subject areas of English, History, Mathematics and Science. This is reflected in the allocation of time to these studies. Furthermore, the course of studies provides for the differing rates of development and skills for each student within a subject area and gives him/her the support necessary for achievement and accomplishment according to the student’s abilities.

Gifted students are challenged to attain their potential and to develop habits of inquiry and scholarship that will assist them in realizing their talents. Students of good ability are provided enrichment and support to compete on an equal level with other students in their grade level and subject. Students who have not reached their potential or those who require reinforcement and varied instruction to achieve mastery of the core curriculum receive all necessary appropriate direction and support.

A premise of the Adelphi Plan is that formal education strives for excellence, and is not elitist. It is posited on the belief that learning is natural to man and that all students in school can learn. It then addresses the question of appropriate instruction. It values all children, as it respects humanity and individualizes and supports instruction responsive to each individual child. It asserts traditionally recognized standards and accomplishments and expects students to achieve at these and higher levels.

The course of studies embraces various modes of learning, recognizing that mastery of instruction is realized through a number of methods. Lessons provide both information and modeling of knowledge — the didactic transfer of cognitive knowledge; workshops and seminars that allow for small group coaching, reinforcement, mastery and individual exploration; and the opportunity for personal achievement according to one’s readiness and talents. Tutorials give the direct practice and testing with personal teacher direction to support mastery and individual accomplishment in each of the core scholastic skills and areas.

The Adelphi Plan is based upon society and the self, our cultural inheritance, and the personal individual development of our students.

In the high school years, there is a progression beginning in the Freshman Year with our common American Hellenic-Judeo-Christian tradition. The Sophomore Year considers our nation’s European origins and the western world while our Junior Year concentrates on understanding American Culture and Society.

As the culmination of our scholastic program, the Senior Year brings the student’s focus to the world in which they will soon be expected to participate and contribute. Scholastically, students are investigating and coming to terms with the Modern Age and Contemporary Society while personally the motif supports an inquiry of individual identity, purpose and a confrontation with the future, both societal and personal.