Middle School Curriculum

The Middle School prepares students for the rigorous academic requirements of the Upper School in a unique program that focuses on the complex needs of the early adolescent. Adelphi’s Middle School is designed to provide a special community in which students can grow, learn about themselves, develop personal and group values and prepare for the challenges of higher learning. The comprehensive English and Mathematics programs initiated in the Lower School continue through fundamentals. Visual and performing arts, as well as Computer and Physical Education, are part of the total curriculum. The Middle School also teaches formal study skills, stressing the methods and strategies needed to develop strong work habits that are   invaluable to a successful school career. As advisors, faculty members work closely with students to monitor academic progress and help them adjust to Middle School life.  Teachers also supervise extracurricular activities, school events and field trips. In this way, students and teachers develop a positive rapport that facilitates instruction in the classroom and the social development of each individual child.

Adelphi Academy’s Middle School begins in the Fifth Grade. At this age, students are introduced to the more rigorous academics and greater levels of responsibility that will be required of them as they move into the upper grade levels.

While our Fifth Grade classroom is located in the Middle School Wing, this class is taught by one teacher for the core subjects. They have separate teachers for their enrichment classes (such as Art, Music, Computer, Foreign Language and Physical Education) and travel to these classrooms unaided by a chaperoning teacher. In this manner, our Fifth Graders get a small taste of the requirements they will meet next year. It gives students a chance to adjust to the different requirements of varied teachers. Furthermore, they learn the importance of being well-organized and on time when switching rooms. During the Sixth and Seventh Grades, study skills, personal responsibility, organization, character and leadership are enhanced and reinforced so that by the time students are in the Eighth Grade they feel well prepared to meet the challenges before them. Our Eighth Graders take Algebra with the Upper School Teacher to introduce them to the Upper School.

All Middle School grades have a designated homeroom teacher and a daily homeroom period. The Middle School team of teachers coordinate these periods to help develop the character of our students. During this time, they may learn about needy children and help raise money for a good cause such as UNICEF or St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Sometimes they participate in school spirit raising events or in academic competitions such as essay contests. Often we focus on character building activities, such as our “Always Growing, Always Changing” discussion of puberty, or discussions of peer pressure or drug and alcohol abuse. The homeroom period is a wonderful opportunity for the students to socialize with friends, seek clarification from their teacher and obtain important information about upcoming events and schedules.