Adelphi’s Class of 2024 Celebrated
at 154th Commencement Exercises

Members of the Class of 2024 are congratulated with a special cake by faculty and staff following the ceremony.

Congratulations, graduates!

Members of Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Class of 2024 took part in the historic Academy’s 154th Commencement Exercises on Sunday, June 2, 2024, inside the John Lockwood Auditorium Theatre, named for Adelphi’s founder. The new graduates are looking forward to continuing their academic careers in college and pursuing a variety of rewarding career paths.

Class of 2024 Valedictorian Nicole Akovbyan received several prestigious honors and awards during the ceremony, including the Herbert W. Scott Award, named after a beloved Math teacher and presented to Akovbyan for excellence in the study of Mathematics; the Edmund Gale Jewett Award, named after a beloved Science teacher and presented to Akovbyan for excellence in the study of Science; the Community and School Service Award, presented to outstanding members of the graduating class who have contributed the most to the welfare of the school community as well as the greater community during their time at Adelphi; and the coveted Head’s Award, presented by Head of School Ms. Iphigenia Romanos for outstanding dedication, loyalty and principles as displayed in classwork, attendance, activities and service to the school and the community.

A member the staff of Adelphi’s student newspaper, The Adelphi Oracle, Akovbyan was recognized for having been inducted into Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Chapter of the Quill & Scroll International Honor Society for High School Journalists. She also received the Adelphic Award, presented to the outstanding member of the graduating class who has contributed greatly to the growth of the Academy yearbook, The Adelphic.

Class Salutatorian Reena Korkidas also received a number of noteworthy awards, including the Mildred Johnston Award, named for a beloved English teacher and presented to Korkidas for excellence in the study of English; the Charles Abaffy Award, named after a dedicated teacher, department chair, adviser and friend and presented to Korkidas for outstanding achievement in Social Studies; and the President’s Award for Educational Excellence, signed by the President of the United States and presented  to the outstanding member of the graduating class who embodies academic success in the classroom through grade point average and outstanding achievement.

A columnist and senior staff writer for the student newspaper and a member of Adelphi’s Chapter of the Quill & Scroll International Honor Society for High School Journalists, Korkidas also received the Margaret A. Lowrie Award, named for a beloved English teacher, for her excellent work with The Adelphi Oracle.

Members of the Class of 2024 watch a slideshow of their time at Adelphi during the ceremony.

Also receiving the Margaret A. Lowrie Award was classmate and fellow senior staff writer Sebastiana Ombrellino, who was also recognized for having been inducted into Quill & Scroll. Ombrellino also received the New England Society History Award, sponsored by the New England History Society and presented to Ombrellino for excellence in the study of History; and the Les Finkelstein Memorial Award, dedicated to the memory of Adelphi’s longtime athletic director and presented to Ombrellino for superior athletic achievement in all areas of physical education.

Classmate Skyla Iuele received a very special award at the commencement — the Eric Paul Harrison ’59 Award, which was established in 1995 in memory of a dedicated alumnus of the Class of 1959, teacher, admissions director and guidance counselor, and presented to Iuele for overcoming personal odds to achieve in life skills. She also received the President’s Award for Educational Achievement, presented to the member of the graduating class who has shown outstanding growth, improvement, commitment and intellectual development.

Fellow Class of 2024 member Bella Merolesi received several certificates of excellence and effort during the ceremony, as well as the Community and School Service Award. Merolesi also received the American Citizenship Award, sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals and presented to Merolesi for possessing the qualities and characteristics the Academy hopes to instill in all of its students.

Ms. Romanos remarked at the Class of 2024’s individual and collective talents, and how they will certainly be missed within Adelphi’s halls. “The members of Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Class of 2024 are so unique and talented in a variety of areas. Their individual and collective experiences as Adelphians will undoubtedly ensure their success as they continue their academic journeys in the fall. I am so very proud of all of this year’s graduates for all of their accomplishments.”

Members of Adelphi’s Class of 2024 pose with their diplomas during the commencement exercises.