Annual Holiday Tree Drive!
November 22, 2021
Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Annual Special Trees for Special Needs Tree Drive!
In the spirit of the Holiday Season Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn is holding a special fundraising drive that will provide our families, friends and supporters with an opportunity to sponsor a real Holiday Tree!
Each sponsorship will include: A Real 6 Foot Holiday Tree! 300 White Tree Lights! Holiday Tree Stand! Personalized Full-Color Sponsorship Sign! Special “Thank You” Slideshow displayed prominently online and throughout the building!
All proceeds from the fundraiser will benefit Adelphi’s award-winning Project Succeed Program for College Bound Students with Special Needs! Holiday Trees can be dedicated to a student, they can mark a special milestone, they can honor family, friends and loved ones — they can even be dedicated to the memory of a special person, or be used to advertise a local business!
The number of Holiday Trees available for sponsorship will be limited and based on a first-come, first-served basis, so please be sure and reserve your Holiday Tree today! All Holiday Trees will be displayed throughout Adelphi’s outside campus and will be lit every evening during the Holiday Season — starting with our
Annual Holiday Tree Lighting on December 15th, 2021 at 6:30 pm — continuing through January 7th, 2022!
Each Holiday Tree Sponsorship is $225.00. For more information, contact the Main Office at 718-238-3308.