Event Series Adelphi Academy’s Journalism Club

Adelphi Academy’s Journalism Club

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn's 2021-2022 Journalism Club Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Journalism Club is open to members of The Adelphi Oracle, as well as any students who wish to contribute to the newspaper. Learn the Basics: Writing, Photography, Layout Design, Interview Tips, Headline Writing and more! The Club meets Wednesdays and Thursdays inside Adelphi's Technology & Design Laboratory. For more information, see Ms. Foronda or Mr. Buttacavoli.

Event Series Brain Games Club

Brain Games Club

Adelphi Academy's Brain Games Club Do you want to expand your mind and have a bit of fun? Then come to Brain Games on Monday afternoons, where students work on fun activities that involve critical thinking skills, analytical skills and computational skills — while mastering the famous Rubik’s Cube. For more information, see Upper Schooler Isaac or Ms. Wong.

In-Person Learning!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Historic 159th Academic Year Continues! Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn has re-opened for 100% in-person learning! Call the Main Office at 718-238-3308 for more information. #AdelphiIsHome

Teacher Appreciation Week!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week! "A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart!" Head of School Ms. Iphigenia Romanos would like to say thank you to all of Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn's dedicated and talented teachers. Have a wonderful week!