Teacher Appreciation Week!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week! "A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart!" Head of School Ms. Iphigenia Romanos would like to say thank you to all of Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn's dedicated and talented teachers. Have a wonderful week!

National Teachers’ Day!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Celebrates National Teachers' Day! Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn is proud to celebrate National Teachers' Day, part of Teacher Appreciation Week at Adelphi! Thank you to all of Adelphi's dedicated teachers for all their hard work throughout the school year. "Every day should be National Teachers' Day!" Enjoy your special day!

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Celebrates Cinco De Mayo! Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn wishes everyone a Happy Cinco De Mayo!

National Nurses Day!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Celebrates National Nurses Day Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn is proud to recognize the difficult and vital work being done by our nation's nurses on National Nurses Day! This special day kicks off National Nurses Week, which runs through May 12th, 2022!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Celebrates Mother's Day! To All of the Wonderful Mothers and Grandmothers of the Adelphi Community, Enjoy Your Special Day! With Love, Sincerity and Respect, Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn