Happy Flag Day!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Celebrates Flag Day! "One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, one nation evermore."  Oliver Wendell Holmes 1809-1894 Happy Flag Day!

Donuts With Dad!

Dear All Adelphi Fathers, Grandfathers and Uncles Please join us for Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Lower School Beginning at 1:30 p.m. You DONUT want to miss this! * Please note that due to limited seating, no more than two adults may accompany each child *

Adelphi’s Theater Day!

Adelphi Academy Presents Theater Day! Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Presents Theater Day on Friday, June 16th, 2023, in honor of Adelphi’s Spring 2023 Production, Adelphi Songs of Inspiration! Dress Down is permitted for all participants — appropriate attire required! Wear your official Adelphi Songs of Inspiration! T-shirt or your favorite shirt from Adelphi’s past productions. Participate, have fun, be creative and accessorize! Show your School Spirit and love for the Adelphian Masquers! While it is the Faculty’s expectation that all students participate in this fun-filled school community event, any non-participants are required to be in full school uniform.

Happy Father’s Day!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Celebrates Father's Day! To All of the Fantastic Fathers and Grandfathers of the Adelphi Community, Have A Great Day! With Love, Sincerity and Respect, Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn

Happy Independence Day!

  Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Celebrates Independence Day July 4th, 2023! We hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July! Let's all remember and celebrate all of the great American heroes who won our independence and those who continue to keep us free! "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  The Declaration of Independence July 4th, 1776 Happy 4th of July!

First Day of School at Adelphi!

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn's Historic 161st Academic Year Begins! Head of School Ms. Romanos is excited to welcome everyone back to school as Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn continues its celebration of 160 years of excellence! Call the Main Office at 718-238-3308 for more information. #IAmAdelphi