Get to Know April’s Students of the Month

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s April 2024 Students of the Month: Eva (Lower School), Giancarlo (Middle School), Souraya (Upper School, not pictured), Timothy (Scholar-Athlete) and Nicole (Student-Artist).

BAY RIDGE – Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s prestigious “Student of the Month” program continued in early May as five outstanding students were recognized for demonstrating extraordinary effort during the month of April. Eva (Lower School), Giancarlo (Middle School), Souraya (Upper School), Timothy (Scholar-Athlete) and Nicole (Student-Artist) received their official pins, congratulatory letters and certificates signed by Head of School Ms. Iphigenia Romanos during a very special assembly inside the John Lockwood Auditorium Theatre. These exceptional Adelphians recently sat down with the Panther Press Room for an exclusive interview, during which they shared some details about themselves and their experiences at Adelphi.

Lower School Student of the Month Eva was overjoyed to discover that she would be receiving this honor. “It feels good. I was surprised and so excited,” she smiled. Eva is enjoying her time at Adelphi Academy and particularly appreciates the kindness everyone has shown her. “I really like my teachers and my friends,” she said. “Everyone is really nice.” When she grows up, Eva would like to pursue a career as a veterinarian. “I want to help all the animals,” she said. A proud owner of two cats named Max and Mia, Eva is already serving as a caretaker for her furry friends. “I help feed them and I make sure they’re safe,” she said. Eva has some important advice for her fellow Adelphians should they wish to attain “Of the Month” honors. “Be at school on time and always raise your hand in class,” she said.

Lower School faculty member Ms. Holman said, “Eva is always ready to learn. She comes to school with a smile on her face, and is very friendly to all her classmates and teachers! I am very proud of Eva for receiving the Student of the Month Award!”

Middle School Student of the Month Giancarlo was surprised but appreciative to learn that he had been selected for this prestigious honor. “I don’t know how I got it, but I worked hard,” he said. “I’m grateful for this honor and that the teachers thought I was worthy.” At Adelphi, Giancarlo enjoys physical education and math. He aspires to become a content creator when he gets older. What will his channel feature? Perhaps one of his many interesting talents. “I cook and play the drums, so that might be interesting,” he said. “It’s fun for me. I enjoy it.” A member of the Theater Arts Program at Adelphi, Giancarlo is pleased with his personal growth as a result of his experience. “It took a lot of courage for me to sing in front of people, but I definitely feel more confident now,” he said. His advice for his fellow Adelphians is simple but important. “Stay humble and always be a good sport,” he said.

Middle School faculty member Mr. Bates said, “Giancarlo is a very friendly student who shows respect not only to his teachers and administrators, but also to his classmates and fellow students. He has grown as a mathematician in the Algebra I class. I am very proud of Giancarlo for receiving this Student of the Month recognition!”

Upper School Student of the Month Souraya was surprised to have been selected for this honor, even though, by her own admission, she always strives for excellence. “I believe in dedication and hard work,” she said. “And I always try my best.” Souraya is a talented musician who has especially been enjoying Guitar & Songwriting class this year. She has been playing guitar for the past 4 years. “It’s like extra practice,” she said. Souraya also plays piano and has been taking lessons for the past 7 years. She hopes that her love of animals is music to pet owners’ ears when she opens her own veterinary practice in the future. “I’m still researching the field and preparing myself, but I want to help animals,” she said. Her favorite animals are cats and dogs, but Souraya said she wants to help all kinds of animals. “As long as I know how to treat them, I will help them,” she said. Souraya has some smart advice for her fellow Adelphians. “Always take pride in your work and persevere through adversity,” she said. “Even if things are difficult, you can always turn them around. Your efforts will pay off.”

Upper School faculty member Ms. Wong said, “Souraya is an exceptional student who is also polite and kind to her classmates and teachers. She works hard and is always improving. I congratulate her on receiving ‘Of the Month’ honors!”

Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s April 2024 “Of the Month” award recipients welcomed parents and guests for a special congratulatory celebration hosted by Head of School Ms. Romanos.

Scholar-Athlete of the Month Timothy said he was happy to be recognized. “It feels really good,” he smiled. The aspiring tennis champion said he thinks playing sports regularly gives him an advantage when it comes to competition at Adelphi. “In tennis you have to run everywhere to get the ball, so it helps me get stronger,” he said. “I run faster than everyone in my whole class!” In addition to his tennis prowess, Timothy is a rising star in Tae Kwon Do, having recently earned his black belt. “I had to break two wooden boards,” he said. When he gets older, Timothy would like to become a construction worker or a firefighter. “I like to build things and I want to save people,” he said. He advises his fellow Adelphians to stay focused on their athletic endeavors. “Always try to get faster and stronger,” he said. “Keep practicing.”

Physical Education instructor Mr. Biale said, “Congratulations to Timothy! At such a young age, Timothy has already developed into quite an impressive athlete with his quickness, speed, agility, coordination and overall competitive nature. To go along with all of that, not only is he athletic, but he is also a great friend, and a strong leader for his peers. Well done!”

Student-Artist of the Month Nicole summed up her reaction to being named a Student of the Month in one word. “Surprised!” she smiled. The talented member of Adelphi’s Class of 2024 has made numerous contributions to the arts at Adelphi, most recently being featured at the Academy’s Art Auction. “It was very exciting,” she said. “I was honored to be a part of it.” At the auction, guests and family members bid on a piece she created involving her favorite color, pink. It was titled “Cotton Candy Sky.” Nicole attended Adelphi’s Fall Leadership Retreat to Colonial Williamsburg, which she enjoyed immensely. “It was such a good experience!” she smiled. At Stony Brook University Nicole plans to pursue a career as a scientist specializing in biology. “I want to make new discoveries!” she said. A lifer at Adelphi, meaning her journey began in Pre-Kindergarten, Nicole has some wise advice for students who wish to achieve success at Adelphi. “Do your homework, get good grades and always be respectful of your teachers,” she said.

Art instructor Ms. Pereira said, “Nicole has been creating wonderful artwork for years and I am so proud of her for achieving this honor. She uses vibrant colors to tell a story through her art, and she makes her audience connect with each piece she creates. Congratulations!”

Congratulations once again to Adelphi’s outstanding Students of the Month for April: Eva, Giancarlo, Souraya, Timothy and Nicole!

As the oldest private, independent, continuing, coeducational, college-preparatory day school in the borough and one of the oldest in the nation, Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn, “the little school of big dreams” has been “effectively preparing learners for college, career, and life, one day at a time” for over 160 years. Founded in 1863 and located in the historic Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, Adelphi enrolls students from three years of age through twelfth grade. A strong emphasis is placed on small class size, individualized attention, self-expression, critical thinking and challenging hands-on learning through Adelphi’s founding philosophy and dedication to the education of the “total child.” Adelphi students excel within a small, intimate, safe, caring, nurturing, and secure environment through Adelphi’s core values and founding principles of pride, tradition, spirit, and excellence. The student-teacher ratio is 8 to 1 and Adelphi is a New York State Regents Exempt Program with a 100% college application, acceptance and attendance rate. A founding member of the Coalition of Essential Schools, Adelphi receives its charter from the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York and has been a member of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools since 1928. Ms. Iphigenia Romanos serves as Head of School.

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Photos courtesy of Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn