Week of Events
Happy Memorial Day! (School Closed)
Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn Observes Memorial Day Memorial Day is a time to pay tribute and remember all of the brave members of the United States Armed Forces who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our great nation and our freedom. To those who courageously gave their lives and those who bravely fight today.....Thank you. "My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From ev'ry mountainside Let freedom ring!" America Words by Samuel F. Smith ~ Music by Henry Carey 1831 [...]
Adelphi Basketball
Adelphi Basketball
Adelphi Basketball Practice! Shoot around! Organize a game with friends! Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn's Edwin N. Beery Gymnasium is open to Middle and Upper School students every Monday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Call 718-238-3308 for more information.
Adelphi Weight Training
Adelphi Weight Training
Adelphi Weight Training Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Weight Training takes place on Wednesdays inside Adelphi's Weight Room. Students in Grades 7 through 12 learn about physical fitness and weight training in a safe and controlled environment that allows them to meet their individual fitness goals. Please Note: Students must be 16 years of age to use equipment.
Adelphi Weight Training
Adelphi Weight Training
Adelphi Weight Training Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Weight Training takes place on Wednesdays inside Adelphi's Weight Room. Students in Grades 7 through 12 learn about physical fitness and weight training in a safe and controlled environment that allows them to meet their individual fitness goals. Please Note: Students must be 16 years of age to use equipment.
Adelphi Weight Training
Adelphi Weight Training
Adelphi Weight Training Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Weight Training takes place on Wednesdays inside Adelphi's Weight Room. Students in Grades 7 through 12 learn about physical fitness and weight training in a safe and controlled environment that allows them to meet their individual fitness goals. Please Note: Students must be 16 years of age to use equipment.
Adelphi Academy’s Journalism Club
Adelphi Academy’s Journalism Club
Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn's 2023-2024 Journalism Club Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn’s Journalism Club is open to members of The Adelphi Oracle, as well as any students who wish to contribute to the newspaper. Learn the Basics: Writing, Photography, Layout Design, Interview Tips, Headline Writing and more! The Club meets Thursdays inside Adelphi's Technology & Design Laboratory. For more information, see Mr. Buttacavoli.